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Tropical Medicine 2022

About Conference

We cordially welcome to all attendees of 11th International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases scheduled on May 18-19, 2022 at Singapore City, Singapore.

Tropical Medicine 2022 focuses on the Advancements and Innovative Research on Traditional Medicine and Infectious Disease. We attempt to provide a perfect stage to Researchers, Scholars, and key Speakers to share knowledge and experiences and empower people with their deep knowledge of Human Infectious Diseases. The gathering includes the world-leading and renowned academicians, business delegates, principal investigators, nurses, homeopathist, researchers, students to witness the futuristic ideologies put forth by the experts.

The Tropical Medicine Conference will  act as a platform for Tropical Medicine Specialist, Infectious Diseases Researchers, Scientists, Faculties, Students, Business professionals, Healthcare professionals, clinicians, researchers, academicians, foundation leaders, Infectious Diseases Associations and Societies, direct service providers, policymakers, Medical Colleges, Pharmaceutical Companies and Industries, Medical Devices Manufacturing Companies, Drug Manufacturing Companies and Industries.

Benefits in  Tropical Medicine Conference:

  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the supporting journals of the conference and Conference Book Proceeding.
  • Each abstract will receive a DOI number provided by CrossRef.
  • Opportunity to conduct Workshop with your team members.
  • One to One Interaction with Keynote Speakers, OCM and Eminent personalities for the future course of work.
  • Opportunity as chair a session at Tropical Medicine Conference 2022.
  • Certification by the organizing committee.
  • Individual keynote Page will be created to get more visibility for your scientific research on Tropical Medicine Conference Website.
  • Huge Benefits on Group Registration and much more.

Target Audience @Tropical Medicine Conference 2022:

  • Microbiologists
  • Pathologists
  • Epidemiologists
  • Dermatologists
  • Allergists
  • Immunologists
  • Pediatricians
  • Physicians
  • Pharmacists
  • Neurologists
  • Infection Prevention and Infection Control Specialists
  • Academic and Health care Professionals
  • Students
  • Research Associates
  • Health Care Associations & Societies
  • Medical & Pharmacy Companies
  • Medical Devices and drug Manufacturing Companies
  • Laboratory Technicians and Diagnostic Companies
  • Business Entrepreneurs and Industrialists


Track 1: Tropical Medicine and Immunization Vaccination

A vaccine is a suspension of whole or fractionated bacteria or viruses that are rendered non-pathogenic. Vaccination has been extremely effective in preventing various serious infections that were once fatal and now have been eliminated. However, these infections still occur in parts of the under-developed and developing nations. Vaccines are frequently unavailable in developing countries. Each year, millions of people die from drug-treatable vaccine-preventable diseases. Furthermore, successful vaccines have yet to be developed for major global diseases such as tuberculosis. In addition, technologies that are used to develop and manufacture vaccines are often outdated and are not easily adaptable for rapidly responding to disease outbreaks, such as influenza.

Track 2: Neglected Tropical Diseases

Neglected tropical diseases are traditionally neglected at the community, national, and international levels and are endemic in several under-developed and developing countries. They affect populations living in poverty especially without proper sanitation and in close contact with various infectious vectors and disease-causing livestock’s and causes significant health and financial burdens across underdeveloped nations and widely impacts their socio-economic statuses. Neglected tropical diseases are caused by bacteria, virus, parasites, helminths, protozoans etc. These including liquid body substance filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and soil-transmitted helminthiasis, represent a heavy burden to public health. Unlike many public-health risks, such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV, the burden of human suffering caused by neglected tropical diseases remains poorly recognized by the global public-health community.

Track 3: Most Common NTDs Causes and Treatments

POC diagnostics delivers rapid information for patient care. The common platform is the lateral flow immunoassay. Recently, emerging molecular diagnostics have met requirements for speed, low cost, and ease of use for POC applications. A major driver for POC development is the ability to diagnose infectious diseases at sites with a limited infrastructure. The potential use in both wealthy and resource-limited settings has fueled an intense effort to build on existing technologies and to generate new technologies for the diagnosis of a broad spectrum of infectious diseases. POC diagnostics also reduce the reliance on presumptive treatment and thereby facilitate antibiotic control. Rapid diagnostic tests work by detecting analyte that are found in or extracted from clinical samples. There are two primary types of analytes: microbial antigens and patient antibodies that are specific for microbial antigens.  However, there are emerging molecular technologies that enable nucleic acid-based approaches at the POC.

Track 4: Infection Control And Public Health Awareness

Contamination counteractive action and control is required to keep the transmission of Infectious Ailments in all social insurance frameworks. These maladies are typically caused by microscopic organisms or infections and can be spread by human to human contact, creature to human contact, human contact with a contaminated surface, airborne transmission through little beads of irresistible operators suspended noticeable all around lastly, by such regular vehicles as water or sustenance. Infection control and Counteractive action requests a fundamental comprehension of the study of disease transmission of maladies, chance factors that expansion quiet defenselessness to contamination, and the practices, methodology and medicines that may bring about diseases. Late systems have demonstrated that there is no illness that can't be dealt with.

Track 5: HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections

HIV/AIDS still remains one of the most critical health challenges in the face of the world. According to reports around 36.7 million people are living with HIV and an estimated 1.8 million new infections are recorded in year 2016. There are some certain ways through which HIV can spread from one person to another such as blood, semen, pre-seminal fluids, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids and breast milk. HIV transmission is only possible if these fluids come in contact with the mucous membrane or damaged tissue or are directly injected into the bloodstream. HIV can also transmit from a mother to her child during the time of pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Earlier, there were some cases of HIV transmission during organ or tissue transplant from a HIV infected person. HIV treatment involves taking medicines that are called antiretrovirals also known as ARV. These are always given in combination with other antiretrovirals. The therapy involved is called antiretroviral therapy also named as ART. Using ART drugs has significantly reduced the number of deaths related to AIDS.

Track 6: Nosocomial Infections & Control

These infections are acquired due to development of favorable conditions in hospital environment, infected by a patient during a hospital visit or one developing among hospital staff. The types of microorganisms because nosocomial infections contribute about 99,000 deaths each year according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recent survey by hospitals reports, Gram-negative infections are estimated to account for two-thirds of the 25,000 deaths each year. Urinary tract infections, pneumonia, bloodstream, and other parts of the body are coming under these categories. Most of the infections are difficult to attack with antibiotics, and Gram-negative bacteria resistant to antibiotic can infect people outside the hospital. The prevention and control of nosocomial infections sets new goals for the epidemiologists and infection control practitioners beyond the basics.

Track 7: Infectious Diseases

The diseases which are caused by pathogenic microorganism such as virus, bacteria, parasites, fungi come under the category of Infectious. Another category is Zoonotic diseases which are the diseases affecting animals but also infects when transmitted to humans. These diseases are transmissible from one person to another. According to a report in today’s world more than half a billion people are affected with Communicable diseases. The topic includes various kind of infection depending on the diseases causing agents and arboviral diseases.

Parasitic and Blood Infectious Diseases

Digestive and Respiratory Infectious Diseases

Dermatological and Neurological Infectious Diseases

Track 8: Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Childhood infections / Pediatric infections are the infections which are caused in different age group children. Pediatric infections experts take care of the infections occurring in children and the treatment methods vary for children from adults. 11 million children deaths every year are attributable to six causes: neonatal infection, diarrhea, malaria, preterm delivery, pneumonia or lack of oxygen at birth. Some of the deaths occur from illnesses like malaria, measles or tetanus. Others result indirectly from marginalization, conflict and HIV/AIDS. Global burden of Pediatric mortality is increasing enormously every year.

Track 9: Immunology of Infections

Clinical Immunology associated with studies of diseases which are caused due to disorders of immune system i.e.., abnormal growth of any cellular tissues of the system, hypersensitivities such as in asthma , immune system failure and other allergies. It also includes the diseases of other systems, where immune reaction plays a vital role in the clinical aspects and pathology. Clinical Immunology divided into two categories: autoimmunity host body own itself attacks the immune system in the other hand Immunodeficiency is a category in which inadequate response is attained by the immune system.

An allergic disease occurs when a person's immune system reacts to substances present in the environment that are harmless for most people. These substances are known as allergens and are found in dust mites, foods, pets, ticks, pollen, insects, moulds, and some medicines.

Track 10: Tropical Medicine and Global Health

Global Health refers to the health of populaces everywhere throughout the world. It is about overall well-being enhancement and security against worldwide dangers that disregard national borders. With the high rate of Infectious Diseases occurrences over the Tropical area there is increasingly more necessity of Medicine and new preventive measure particularly in the Under created nations. As per a report distributed in exceedingly regarded diary of medication, in tropical locales in excess of a billion people (around one-6th of the total populace) are experiencing Tropical Diseases. Hence every one of the researchers and specialists from the field of the study of disease transmission, virologists, parasitologists, microbiologists, logisticians, general wellbeing are welcome to examine their examination work to take care of this issue and enhance worldwide well-being.

Track 11: Parasitology

Parasitology essentially refers to study of connection among parasites and their hosts. Parasites utilize human or creatures as hosts. The hosts give the best possible condition to survive the parasites. For tropical drug look into parasitology is an imperative field. Different parasites, for example, infections, microorganisms, worms and so forth are the causative living being for Infectious Diseases in this way this field turn into a critical part to think about in regard to Infectious Diseases. This is the reason to incorporate this session in the Conference.

Track 12: Bacterial Infectious Diseases

Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms that live almost everywhere. Bacteria live in every climate and location on earth. Some are airborne while others live in water or soil. Bacteria live on and inside plants, animals, and people. The word "bacteria" has a negative connotation, but bacteria perform many vital functions for organisms and in the environment.

Track 13: Fungal Infectious Diseases

Fungal Infectious Diseases are often caused by fungi that are common in the environment. Most fungi are not dangerous, but some types can be harmful to health. Mild fungal skin diseases can look like a rash and are very common. Fungal diseases in the lungs are often similar to other illnesses such as the flu or tuberculosis. Some fungal infections like fungal meningitis and bloodstream infections are less common than skin and lung infections but can be deadly.

Track 14: Blood infectious Diseases  

Germs can cause infection in human blood and diseases are known as blood borne pathogens. The most common and dangerous germs spread through blood within the hospital are viral hepatitis B and hepatitis c virus. These viruses cause infections and liver injury. This virus cause AIDS. Organisms such as bacteria, viruses, prions, and parasites will be transmitted through blood transfusions.

Track 15: Advancements in Vaccines and Therapeutics

Vaccines are the products that can produce immunity from a disease and can be administered through needle injections, by mouth and by aerosol. Vaccination is the injection of a killed or weakened organism that produces immunity in the body against that organism. Antimicrobials/ antibiotics/ antibacterial are the drugs used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. Few antibiotics possess antiprotozoal activity. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses such as the common cold or influenza and their inappropriate use allows the emergence of resistant organisms.

Market Analysis

Tropical Diseases are responsible for millions of deaths, especially in the Tropical regions of the World and one-sixth of the world population is infected with Neglected Tropical Diseases and additional two billion are at risk. Approximately half of the world population is under the risk of being exposed to infection with Tropical Diseases causing Micro-organisms.

Many of the major tropical diseases include Buruli ulcer, Chagas Diseases, Dengue, Malaria, typhoid, yellow fever, and many others. These diseases mainly are spread in the region of Africa, Asia and the western Pacific. Various means for the spread of these diseases are infections (Bacterial, Viral and fungal). Most cases affect the subtropical region except Japan, China and Australia. Majority of cases are in western and central Africa. As per the projection of various tropical medicine journals and the WHO these diseases have been reported to effects most than 33 countries in the region of Africa and western Asia.

The tropical region is the area of the earth encompassing the equator at the focal point of earth. It's a warm district where the temperature extends between 22 to 35°C. Nations of tropical areas of the planet are extremely experiencing irresistible maladies when contrasted with the nations of the calm world. There are numerous ecological and natural variables present in these locales that help abnormal amounts of biodiversity of pathogens, vectors and hosts, anyway some social factors conjointly undermine the endeavours to deal with these maladies. Such irresistible maladies are named as Tropical Infections

The Tropical prescription is the part of a drug that bargains with medical issues that happen extraordinarily, are progressive across the board, or demonstrate increasingly hard to control in tropical and subtropical areas.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 18-19, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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